Ansdeno Region
A family home in main street, Leon.

In 2014 Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Washington DC) provided the start up cost for farmers at their sister parish, St. Jean Baptiste in Anse d'Hainault, to begin selling their coffee to Just Haiti.
Holy Trinity hired two agronomists to help the farmers learn the best methods for producing export quality coffee and also invested in nurseries to grow more coffee and shade trees.
The farmers formed an association, which they call "The Association of Producers of Coffee for the Development of Anse d'Hainault" or APCDAH. The association now has 40 members (13 are women), a license and a bank account.
APCDAH exported over 500 pounds during their recent harvest and hope to export 1000 pounds next fall. They are enthusiastic and proud to be a part of Just Haiti and very happy to receive the good price that Just Haiti pays for their coffee.
The agronomists have remarked that this is a great program, not only because it is bringing in much needed income into the community, but also because it is helping to reforest this area of Haiti.